Scholarship applies to students graduating from Neodesha High School beginning with the class of 2025.
Must have a minimum ACT score of 32, and have a cumulative 3.5 GPA for grades 9-12.
The award will cover a percentage of tuition and mandatory fees for up to 180 credit hours. While the awards can apply to any college, the annual award will be capped at the highest tuition charged by a State of Kansas university (currently this is the University of Kansas). The cap is currently $409.00 per credit hour.
Students must complete their attendance at their chosen college within a 8-year period.
If the student wishes to defer enrolling for a period of time (not to exceed two years) to go on a church mission, join military service, or gain work experience; the student will be required to submit a specific deferral request.
Any student choosing to defer to join the military will be eligible for an extended deferral option. The student will be allowed to defer for 4 years to complete their military obligations. The student will then have 2 years remaining in their scholarship. Students will have the same 6 year period cap as their co-hort.
While in college the student must maintain a 3.25 GPA per academic term and be in “good standing”. Your Term GPA refers to the GPA you receive at the end of each semester, NOT your cumulative GPA. Failure to meet the minimum GPA requirement for any two semesters during their time enrolled will result in the loss of scholarship.
Promise recipients that fall beneath a 1.0 GPA will have a 50% reduction to their scholarship the following semester. If the student falls beneath a 3.25 for a second semester they will lose their scholarship. If the student is above a 3.25 their full scholarship will be reinstated. ​
Any semester in which a student withdraws from all classes will be considered a failed semester. This will count towards your two semesters of being below a 3.25 GPA.
Students are allowed to use their scholarship to take summer classes pending Program Administrator approval after one year of classes. The student is required to complete the summer class application form available under applications.
Students who complete 100 hours of community service will receive a 5% increase in their award per year.
The Neodesha Promise Scholarship is a second payer program. Promise awards will be reduced by 25% of the total of Pell Grants and other scholarship awards that exceed $2,000.For example, if the student receives a $3,000 scholarship award or grant, the Promise award would be reduced by $750. If other scholarships and grant awards cover the entire cost of the student’s first year of post-secondary education, they can defer receiving the Promise award to their second year. But the 120 credit hour or 60 credit hour cap would still apply.
Room and board, transportation, books, and non-mandatory fees are not covered expenses. Those expenses are the responsibility of the student.​
The Neodesha Promise Scholarship Program reserves the right to change the standards of this program if warranted.